Canola Oil Processing

Canola oil, known for its natural composition, is extracted using mechanical oil presses to maintain its quality. With an oil content of about 40%, the Henan Huatai canola oil production line encompasses several key stages: pre-pressing, pressing, pretreatment, solvent extraction, refining, and dewaxing/winterizing.

Huatai Oil Machinery offers comprehensive customization for canola oil production lines ranging from 20 to 5000 TPD.

Canola oil production process

Canola Oil Pretreatment Process

Canola Oil Pretreatment Flow Chart

Canola Oil Pretreatment Flow Chart

Canola Oil Pressing Process

Roasted canola seeds are fed into the canola oil press machine, where a rotating worm and main shaft push them forward. As the space inside the pressing chamber gets smaller, the pressure inside builds up. The machine has a built-in heater that warms the barrel automatically, and the heat from friction also contributes. This process breaks down the cells in the seeds, releasing the oil.

The oil then moves to a filtering barrel, where a vacuum pump draws it into the barrel, leaving behind solid residues on a filter cloth. This results in the extraction of pure canola oil. From this process, we obtain both crude canola oil and the solid byproduct, pressed oil cake meal, which can be used for other purposes.

Canola Oil Pressing Process

Canola Oil Cold Press Process

Canola Oil Cold Press
  • Rich in nutrients &
    pure and healthy
  • Producing the highest

Canola Oil Cold Press

The cold pressing method for extracting canola oil is straightforward and traditional, avoiding heating or chemical treatments. This method retains the most nutrients in the canola oil. Known for producing natural and high-quality oil, it typically requires no additives and has a long shelf life. While the market value of cold-pressed oil is high, the oil produced is less than that of the hot-pressing method.


Canola Oil Solvent Extraction Plant

Canola oil solvent extraction is an efficient method to extract the maximum amount of oil from canola seeds, especially since the pressed canola cake meal retains a significant amount of oil.

This extraction technique involves four main stages: the solvent system, which dissolves the oil; the desolvent system, which separates the oil from the solvent; the condensing system, which condenses the solvent vapors; and the recovery system, which recovers the solvent for reuse.

The outcome of this process is wet canola oil powder and unrefined canola oil. The wet canola meal, rich in nutrients, is an excellent animal feed. The unrefined canola oil, however, contains various impurities and odors that need to be removed through a refining process to ensure the oil's purity and quality.

Canola Oil Solvent Extraction Plant
Canola Oil Refinery Plant
  • Benefits human health
  • Removes harmful
  • Colorless and odorless

Canola Oil Refinery Plant

The canola oil refinery plant plays a crucial role in purifying crude canola oil by removing harmful impurities. The refined oil is free from free fatty acids (FFA), colorless, odorless, and conducive to human health and storage.


Canola Oil Refinery Flow Chart

Canola Oil Refinery Flow Chart

Customized Canolas Oil Solution

Huatai oil machinery advises that the setup and sequence of operations for canola oil processing can be custom to fit the actual conditions. When planning and building a canola oil production line, it's important to take into account factors such as the size of production, desired oil quality, and cost efficiency. Moreover, choosing and arranging the machinery should align with the particular requirements and financial plan.

Customized Canola Oil Solution

Canola Oil Processing Video

Canola oil processing plant

Step into the innovative world of canola oil production with Huatai Oil Machinery, your trusted manufacturer in China. Our video showcases the full spectrum of our services, from detailed engineering designs to the provision of comprehensive equipment and expert on-site installation. Watch and learn how we transform rapeseed into golden canola oil with precision and expertise.