Oil Seeds Extrusion Extruder

Oil Seeds Extrusion Extruder

The main components of the oil seeds extrusion extruder include a frame, a bearing box, a barrel, a screw shaft, a template, and a direct steam addition system.

The extruder serves as an important tool for vegetable oil factories aiming to increase production, reduce consumption, and improve the quality of their products. It is versatile and suitable for oils with various content levels.

Inside the cylinder of the extrusion extruder, the oils undergo a process of squeezing, heating, shearing, and kneading, which leads to the destruction of oil cells and full exposure of the oil within.

Oil Seeds Extrusion Extruder Parameters

Model Low oil yield(t/d) Height oil yield(t/d) Power(kW)
YJP16 100-150 t/d 60-80 t/d 37-55 kw
YJP20 150-350 t/d 80-200 t/d 75-90 kw
YJP25 350-600 t/d 200-400 t/d 90-110 kw
YJP30 600-1200 t/d 400-600 t/d 132-160 kw
YJP35 1200-1800 t/d 600-900 t/d 220-250 kw