Soybean Oil Processing

Soybean oil is extracted from soybean seeds. It is the most produced oil in the world. There are many types of soybean oil. According to the processing method, it can be divided into pressed soybean oil and leached soybean oil. According to the type of soybean, it can be divided into crude soybean oil and genetically modified soybean oil. The color of crude soybean oil varies depending on the soybean seed coat and the variety of soybean. It is generally light yellow, slightly green, dark brown, etc. Refined soybean oil is light yellow. (Read more: how to make soybean oil >>)

In terms of nutritional value, soybean oil contains 7-10% palmitic acid, 2-5% stearic acid, 1-3% arachidic acid, 22-30% oleic acid, 50-60% linoleic acid, and 5-9% linolenic acid. In addition, the human digestion and absorption rate of soybean oil is as high as 98%. Therefore, soybean oil is also an excellent edible oil with high nutritional value.

Soybean oil production process

Soybean Pretreatment Process

Before soybean oil production, soybean pretreatment needs cleaning, crushing, softening, flaking, extrusion, etc., which provides conditions for the next step of soybean oil processing.

Soybean Oil Pressing Process
  • Pretreatment
  • Pressing
  • Filtering
  • Crude Soybean Oil

Soybean Oil Pressing Process

The soybean oil pressing process is the process of extracting oil from soybeans using mechanical methods. It includes multiple steps such as raw material preparation and cleaning, pretreatment, pressing, filtering, and crude oil acquisition.

First, select soybeans that meet the standards as raw materials and use a cleaning screen to clean them. Second, the cleaned soybeans are crushing and softening, making them easier to press. The commonly used soybean pressing equipment is the screw oil press. Its working principle is to use the reduction of the screw lead of the screw shaft to continuously reduce the volume of the pressing chamber space to produce a pressing effect, squeezing the oil out of the soybeans. Last, the soybean oil coming out of the oil press contains certain impurities and needs to be filtered using a leaf filter to finally obtain crude oil.


Soybean Oil Solvent Extraction Process


Soybean Oil Extraction Machine

The oil content of soybeans is relatively low, generally 15%~26%. To improve the oil recovery rate, use solvent extraction. The pressed soybean flakes are placed in an extractor, and an appropriate amount of solvent is added for continuous extraction. We usually use hexane as solvent (also known as No. 6 solvent oil), because it has good solubility and volatility, and can effectively extract the oil from soybeans. The solvent will dissolve the oil in the soybeans to form an oil-solvent mixture, which is called a mixed solution. (Learn more: soybean oil solvent extraction >>)

Soybean oil solvent extraction process
Main Process Of Soybean Oil Solvent
Extraction Process:
Solvent extraction of soybean oil
Soybean extruding process

Soybean Extruding Process

The soybean extrusion process is to physically extrude soybeans through an oilseed extruder to form porous expanded particles. Under the action of the extruder, the oil or other components in the soybeans are released. At this time, the temperature in the extruder ranges from 110℃~200℃, and the extrusion time is 1~3 minutes.

Huatai YJP series oil seeds extrusion extruder has a daily output of 60-1800 tons. It is an important equipment for vegetable oil factories to improve production and quality and reduce consumption and can be applied to various oils.

Soybean Oil Refining Process
  • Degumming Sections
  • Deacidification Sections
  • Decolorization Sections
  • Deodorization Sections

Soybean Oil Refining Process

Refining is to make the quality of soybean oil meet the edible standard. The soybean oil refining process filters the crude oil obtained from the leaching or pressing process. The degumming and deacidification process, and finally, removes the fishy smell to obtain high-quality finished oil. Refined soybean oil must be properly stored and packaged to prevent the oil from deteriorating. During storage, attention should be paid to keeping the temperature, humidity, and light conditions stable. When packaging, containers that meet hygiene standards should be selected to ensure the safety and hygiene of the oil.


Soybean Oil Refining Process Flow Chart

Soybean Oil Refining Process Flow Chart

Soybean Oil Processing Video

Soybean Oil Processing Plant

Embark on a journey to premium soybean oil production with Huatai oil machinery! If you're seeking the pinnacle of soybean oil quality, we're your dedicated partner. Our all-encompassing soybean oil processing plant is at your service, complete with top-tier pretreatment gear, state-of-the-art extraction machines, and advanced refinery technology. We're here to craft a tailor-made turnkey project from the ground up, just for you.