Sunflower Oil Processing

The oil extracted from sunflower seeds is called sunflower oil. The production process of sunflower oil is generally divided into pressing and extraction methods. It is golden in color, bright and transparent, aromatic and delicious, and is the main edible oil for people. Sunflower oil contains a variety of substances that are beneficial to human beings. The content of oleic acid is about 15%, and the content of linoleic acid can reach about 70%. And the content of vitamin E is the highest among all major vegetable oils. Therefore, sunflower oil is an excellent cooking oil with high nutritional value and good for human health. (Read more: how to make sunflower oil >>)

Sunflower oil production process
Sunflower oil manufacturing process

Sunflower Oil Processing Steps

The production process of sunflower oil is as follows: sunflower seeds screening - cleaning impurities - hulling - crushing - steaming - pressing - solvent extraction - filtration - refining - sunflower oil. First, we need to screen and clean sunflower seeds to remove impurities. Secondly, shell and crush the sunflower seeds with a sheller and crusher. Third, the crushed sunflower seeds will be steamed and fried to reduce the impact caused by moisture. Fourth, the steamed and fried sunflower seeds are pressed to form gross oil in a sunflower oil press. Fifth, the sunflower oil is extracted with solvents and filtered. Finally, the filtered sunflower oil is refined to form edible oil.

Sunflower Oil Processing Flow Chart

Sunflower oil processing flow chart

Sunflower Oil Pressing Process

Crude Sunflower Oil Refining Process

The steps of sunflower oil refining mainly include degumming, decolorization, deodorization, and dewaxing. The refined oil has a light color, high nutritional value, and good taste.


Sunflower Oil Refining Plant

Sunflower crude oil obtained from pressing usually also needs to undergo refining treatment, including hydration (degumming), alkaline refining (deacidification), decoloration, deodorization, and dewaxing steps. The impurities and off-flavors of sunflower oil are removed to further improve the quality and stability of the oil. After refining, sunflower oil can be sold in the market as finished oil.

Sunflower oil refining plant
Sunflower oil dewaxing process

Sunflower Oil Dewaxing Process

After sunflower oil is deodorized, some waxes will also remain. We can remove the waxes by lowering the temperature of the sunflower oil (usually to below 0°C). Sunflower oil is fed into a crystallization tank and cooled for 8 hours to crystallize and precipitate the waxy components of the oil. The waxes are then separated from the oil by filtration and other methods. This step improves the clarity and low-temperature fluidity of the oil. The final oil is premium sunflower oil, which can be consumed directly.

Sunflower Oil Processing Benefits

  • Advantages of the oil pressing and solvent extraction
  • Advantages of the oil refining process
  1. Advantages of the oil pressing and solvent extracting

    Advantages of the oil pressing and solvent extraction

    The combination of pressing and solvent extraction is more effective than other vegetable oil extraction techniques. It yields higher oil yields, produces better quality fats and oils, and offers significant economic advantages. In addition, the combined pressing and solvent extraction method is highly adaptable to all types of oil seeds. This versatile process can also be applied to the extraction of oils from a range of seeds and nuts, from peanuts, rapeseeds, and sunflower seeds.

  2. Advantages of the oil refining process

    Advantages of the oil refining process

    Huatai's full-scale continuous edible oil refinery has a capacity of more than 50 tons per day. It is characterized by high refining efficiencies, minimal use of additional materials, low costs, and greater economic efficiency, making it ideal for vegetable oil refining. Designed for uninterrupted operation, this method is ideally suited to large-scale continuous production facilities for lean, efficient refining.

Sunflower Oil Processing Video

Sunflower oil processing plant

Discover the brilliance of sunflower oil production with Henan Huatai's 30+ years of mastery. Our video takes you behind the scenes of crafting exquisite sunflower oil, combining tradition with modern efficiency. Witness innovation that enhances quality and sustainability.